Summer, June-August 2024 has been a great season for tourism in the Nordic countries, within four nations—Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden — reporting record-breaking numbers in visitors. With comparable data* across all nations, we can look into statistics of all four countries and compare how tourism has developed as well as where tourists visit in these countries.
Three of the Nordic countries – Finland, Norway and Sweden – had an increase in overnight stays from previous summer. With nearly 29 million bed nights registered, Sweden attracted most tourists out of all four countries. Of these 29 million nights, over 3 million nights were spent in Stockholm. Denmark had the same number of overnight stays as previous summer, experiencing a small decrease in domestic tourists.
Norway had a record-breaking summer of 2024 with more bed nights registered than ever! Out of all Nordic countries, biggest increase in registered bed nights was in Norway. Nearly 17 million nights were registered which was three per cent more than in summer 2023.
Out of all capitals, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm - Helsinki had the greatest increase in registered bed nights. With 1,6 million nights, Helsinki had a 14 per cent increase in bed nights compared to previous summer. Oslo had a record-breaking number of foreign bed nights registered in the city while Helsinki managed to attract more domestic tourists than ever making it overall the best summer in recorded history. Copenhagen had a third record in a row in registered overnight stays.
Two of the Nordic countries managed to attract more foreign tourists than before the pandemic – Denmark and Norway. Denmark had 7,5 million foreign registered bed nights which was a four per cent increase compared to previous summer. Most foreign tourists came from Germany, Netherlands and Norway. in Norway, 6,3 million foreign bed nights registered which was three per cent more than in summer 2023. Most foreign visitors in Norway were from Germany, Netherlands and United States.
Sweden registered 8,5 million foreign bed nights, a seven per cent increase in foreign tourists compared to previous year. Most foreign visitors came from Norway, Germany and United States.
In Finland 1,8 million foreign bed nights were registered during June-August 2024 which was 12 per cent more than previous year. Most visitors came from Germany, Sweden and United States.
Where did tourists visit during summer 2024?
The capital region is usually one of the most visited places by tourists. In Denmark, the share of registered bed nights in the Province of Copenhagen is 23 per cent so nearly every fourth night is spent on the capital region. Still in both Sweden and Norway the county with most overnight stays was far outside of capital region.
Most visited counties in Sweden were Västra Götaland (5,2 M bed nights), Stockholm county (5 M) and Skåne (3 M).
Most visited counties in Finland were Uusimaa (2,3 M), Northern Ostrobothnia (630 000) and Pirkanmaa (610 000).
Most visited counties in Norway were Vestland (2,8 M), Oslo county (2,2 M) and Innlandet (1,7 M).
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*For comparability, marinas are excluded in Danish registered accommodation statistics.